
Karate Instructor Case Study

Mr. Miyagi wants to use his talents to open a series of nightly karate classes. He wants to accept registrations online. The classes are mainly targeted for both children and adults. Each night he will hold a beginners and an advanced session. The prices are different for each level. The adult courses also have a different price structure. Due to the nature of karate, Mr. Miyagi also wants to track a liability waiver for each student in the class. Finally, Mr. Miyagi hired one of his star students to teach some of the beginner courses. Since the arrangement is based on how many kids attend each session, Mr. Miyagi will have to track attendance for the sessions taught by his instructor.

Mr. Miyagi can use ClassTrack to meet all his requirements. Mr. Miyagi can set up two main classes in the system, Karate for Kids and Adult Karate. He will be able to setup a unique waiver for each of these classes. Then, he can break down each class into multiple sessions. Each day that he offers a class will be a unique session, like Monday 4 PM – Beginners and Monday 7 PM Advanced. To avoid confusion, Mr. Miyagi can set up age limits for each session, which will avoid adults signing up to a kid’s session and vice versa. Mr. Miyagi will be able to specify whether he will teach a session or his assistant, letting the participants know in advance which instructor they will get. To setup to track attendance, Mr. Miyagi can schedule each session. On the rare occasion that two courses are going on at the same time, ClassTrack will prevent a participant from signing up to both of the conflicting courses.

To encourage early enrollments, Mr. Miyagi can setup Early Bird discounts for signing up early in the registration process. He can also setup a late fee for the last day of registration. The registration process itself could be a little tricky because of some adults signing up their kids, others just signing up themselves, or both. ClassTrack handles this with a Family Member system which will allow the parents to add their kids to their account. When signing up for a session, the parent will be able to pick their child as the participant in the course. There are no limits to the number of children that each family can have and sign up. And if the parent wants to try the adult course, he or she can sign up also on the same registration. The parent will have to accept the liability waiver for each child signed up and also for him or herself if they sign up for the adult course. All sign ups for the family can be completed with one online payment!

After registration is completed, both Mr. Miyagi and his instructor will have access to each session roster. As an administrator Mr. Miyagi will have full access to all rosters while his instructor will only have access to the rosters for the sessions assigned to. The instructor will be able to send emails to each session roster as well as track attendance for each session.

These are just some of the features available in ClassTrack that make class registrations a breeze!