GearTrack lets you group your inventory into different categories, such as Water Equipment, Ski Equipment or anything else that applies to your operation. As you add your inventory, you can create item options to further categorize your inventory. For example, hiking boots could be broken out into different shoe sizes. GearTrack provides functionality to allow combining your inventory into packages, each treated as a unique item.
GearTrack can be used to help manage item maintenance. A detailed log is kept tracking both the number of uses and the actual time used for each item in the system. Additional logs allows to track when items are damaged, how were they damaged, who damaged them and what was done to fix the item. Likewise scheduled maintenance can be logged in the system, describing what the maintenance required is and then what was done to meet those requirements.
GearTrack allows two types of equipment rentals. You can check out items or you can reserve them for the future. Both options rely on setting up rental contracts. A rental contract can be for a fixed number of days, such as weekend contracts and week long contracts. Contracts can also be created on a “per day” basis, setting the price at the time of the transaction based on the number of days of the check out or reservation. Additional flexibility is gained by allowing for multi-tier pricing across contracts and participant categories.