
Employee Portal

RefTrack provides your employees with a valuable portal to control and manage assignments. New potential employees can submit requests to join your staff. If accepted, they will be able to manage their availability by dates and times. Employees can also enter conflicts with teams they are affiliated with and facilities.

Once game assignments are posted, employees can accept or decline assignments from the portal. Employees will be able to view their schedules, including co-workers for each game and tools that allow emailing game partners. There are options to allow employees access to the full itinerary (without showing the employees assigned), along with the capability of requesting to work the games they are available to work. The assigner can then pick the employees based on the people that have requested to work.

An online directory is available with contact information for all employees that belong to the same user group(s) the employee belongs to. All memos and bulletins loaded for the user group(s) in question are also available. Game Reports and Evaluations setup for the system can be accessed from the schedule screen.