Recreational Solutions Support
General Support: Information about Online Payments
To accept payments, you need to setup a payment gateway through us or an independent vendor. While our monthly fee remains the same, remember that we charge 50 cents per online registration/reservation and 50 cents per online payment transaction. Your total fees will depend on the vendor you choose. For example purposes, we are going to use a sample transaction of $100.00 that will be used to pay for two registrations/reservations. We will assume that your Merchant Account will charge 2.2% of the transaction (except PayPal that usually charges 2.9%). Note that actual rates and fees depend on type of cards, your merchant account, and security options such as address verification.
Nelix TransaX
NeliX is our preferred vendor. Nelix will charge you $35/month to your bank account for the payment gateway. If you use NeliX, a flat $1.00 per payment transaction will be charged by NeliX. This will cover the transaction fees from NeliX plus the per registration/reservation and per online payment transaction fees from Recreational Solutions. You must have a merchant account (through NeliX or independently) to use this payment option. Additional NeliX options allow you to store credit card numbers in NeliX's Customer Vault to allow you to charge customers as an administrator. Your total transaction fees for our sample transaction would be as follows:
- Merchant Account Fees: ~$2.20 to be charged by your merchant account
- Gateway Transaction Fees: ~$1.00 to be charged by NeliX
- Recreational Solutions Fees: $0.00
The total approximate fees are $3.20 per transaction. Note that Nelix usually charges a one time setup fee of $99.00.
PayPal is a good option if you are not expecting over $25,000 in annual revenues from your online transactions. The main advantage is that you do not need a merchant account to use PayPal. Again, actual fees depend on your agreements with PayPal and other situations. For our sample transaction, your fees would be:
- PayPal Fees: ~$3.19 to be deducted by Paypal
- Recreational Solutions Fees: $1.50
The total approximate fees are $4.69 per transaction.
As you can see your per transaction fees will probably be higher using PayPal, but you save on your monthly fees by not having a merchant account/gateway account.
Authorize.Net is an alternate payment gateway to NeliX. You will have to pay Authorize.Net monthly fees dependent on the features you want on your account. You must have a merchant account to use this payment option. Your total transaction fees for our sample transaction would be as follows:
- Merchant Account Fees: ~$2.20 to be charged by your merchant account
- Gateway Transaction Fees: ~$0.20 to be charged by Authorize.Net
- Recreational Solutions Fees: $1.50
The total approximate fees are $3.90 per transaction. Note that usually charges a one time setup fee of $99.00.
If your campus/company has a contract with TouchNet, our application is certified to allow payments through their payment systems. You will need to contact your TouchNet representative to inquire about costs and fees.
- TouchNet will charge transaction fees dependent on the contract with your campus.
- Recreational Solutions Fees: $1.50
The total approximate fees are $1.50 per transaction PLUS all TouchNet fees. Note that TouchNet charges yearly fees to your department as negotiated with your company.
Other Gateways
We are open to adding additional gateways to the system. There would be a one-time customization fee to incorporate your gateway into our system. Your
- Merchant Account Fees: ~$2.20 to be charged by your merchant account
- Gateway Transaction Fees: ~$0.20 to be charged by your Gateway Vendor
- Recreational Solutions Fees: $1.50
The total approximate fees are $3.90 per transaction. There may be an additional setup fee charged by your Gateway.
Please feel free to contact us at 877-RS-HELP-5 with any questions about payments.