Recreational Solutions Support

Behind the Firewall: Installation Instructions

The procedure below applies to installing IMTrack Online, ClassTrack Online, GearTrack Online and/or RefTrack Online in your web server. The products are controlled by the service agreements you purchase.

You need to setup your web server to be able to serve Ruby pages version 1.8.7. Installation methods vary based on your server type. We strongly recommend Linux with MySQL database as the environment, but you can use any type of server and database. We have tested with MySQL and SQL Server databases. For setting up Ruby, we encourage you to Google for setup guides specific to your environment. The instructions below assume you have a database server and that you could launch a "Hello World" application written in Ruby.
  1. The following gems need to be installed:
    active_merchant (download and save on the local directory first)
    calendar_date_select **Version 1.16.3** (there is a weird error after installing this one. You will need to go to the file causing the error at launch and comment the second part of the if statement in line 5 referencing RAILS_ROOT)
    net-ldap (if using LDAP)
    nokogiri (see for installation specifics)
    ruby-odbc (if using SQL Server)
  2. Create a database in your database server. We recommend calling it facilitrax. You may choose to have two databases, one for development mode so you can test updates before implementing them in your production database. If so, call this database facilitrax_development.
  3. Create a user that has all priviledges, including create and delete tables, to the databases
  4. Download the source code for the application.
  5. The contents of the folder should be placed in the applications folder of your web folder.
  6. Configure the /config/environment.rb:
    If using SQL Server database, insert a line on the top of the file and enter "require 'odbc'"
    The $g_override_database_yml variable should be set to false.
    You should specify whether you will be using SSL or not (false means you will be using SSL).
    You should set your SMTP server settings under the email configurations.
  7. Configure the /config/database.yml. The development, production, email_utility and disc_creator entries should all point to your database. If you opted to have a development database, adjust the settings for the development entry as necessary. Do not change the disccreator_live settings at this point.
  8. On your console, from the facilitrax root folder, run the command rake db:migrate. This will create/update the development database. if you have a separate production database, you need to create/update both databases. The command for the production database is rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.
  9. Update your service contracts. Read separate instructions for this step here.
  10. You will have the opportunity to set scheduled tasks to send email reminders and other such things. More information to come.