Recreational Solutions Support
Basic HTML Tricks
As you enter descriptions in our systems, the following HTML commands may be helpful to you:
- <br> Inserts a line break
<br><br>Inserts a line break with an additional blank line in between.
<hr /> Inserts a horizontal rule (a visual line to separate elements)
- <b>TEXT YOU WANT BOLDED</b> - Bolds the included text
<u>TEXT YOU WANT UNDERLINED</u> - Underlines the included text
<i>TEXT YOU WANT IN ITALICS</i> - Italics for the included text
- <img src="http://link_to_your_image"> Adds an image
- <a href="http://url_to_your_link">TEXT FOR OUR LINK</a> Creates a hyperlink
- <a href="mailto:EMAIL">NAME, EMAIL, or TEXT TO LINK TO THE EMAIL ADDRESS</a> Creates a mailto link
- <a href="http://url_to_your_link"><img src="http://link_to_image_for_link" border=0> </a> Creates an image that links to another site
- <ol></ol> Creates a numbered list - use the li's to create the entries for the list.
<ul></ul> Creates a bulleted list - use the li's to create the entries for the list.
<li>TEXT FOR THE LIST</li> Precedes each list item, and adds a number or symbol depending upon the type of list selected
- <blockquote>TEXT YOU WANT INDENTED</blockquote> Indents text from both sides